No game club meeting this week; go to the IGDA event instead!

Hey Everyone.

Unfortunately, there will not be a U of T game club meeting this week. We figured that since midterms are next week for many people, it would be a better idea to cancel this week’s club meeting to give everyone more time to study. However, the IGDA special event is still taking place on Thursday, October 8 at 7:30 p.m., and we encourage all of our members to attend it if they can (I certainly plan to be there). I just want to make it clear that you do not need to be an IGDA member to attend this event, and I think it’s absolutely free for anyone who wants to show up. Once again, additional information about this event can be found at:

Also, on behalf of the UTGDDC, I just want to briefly thank Andrei and Ante from FunForged for stopping by to talk to us last week about their experiences working in the Toronto video game industry and about founding our game club itself. It was a lot of fun and I think that everyone learned something new and useful. Hopefully, we’ll have you guys back again sometime soon. If anyone who signed up for the beta test of the next FunForged game did not receive an e-mail reply from Andrei, please e-mail, and I’ll send your e-mail address to him so that he can put you on the mailing list for the beta.