Hey everyone,
Our next game club meeting will be on Thursday, March 3, 2010 from 5p.m. – 7p.m. in BA B025, same time and room as last week. For this week’s meeting we will have a special guest speaker, Prof. Danny Heap from U of T’s Department of Computer Science, who will come in and talk to us about copyright.
Among teaching other CS courses, Danny Heap also teaches CSC 300, Computers and Society, and if you’ve every had a class with him, you’ll know that he is a very entertaining speaker with lots of interesting insights about computers and the world that we live in.
Copyright has always been a challenging issue when it comes to selling video games, and DRM (Digital Rights Management) is one of the most controversial methods of copyright protection to date. Prof. Heap will be discussing issues such as these in what should prove to be a very interesting and useful talk. This will be a special, informative meeting to come out to, so we hope to see you all there.