Category Archives: Game Club Announcements

GMD 2012-2013 has begun!

Hey everyone!

Game-Making Deathmatch, or GMD for short, has kicked off for this year! The theme is….

If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing badly.

The comphrehensive rules and sign-up information, including the registration form, can be found here
We’re still accepting registrations for individuals and teams of two for another week, so if you’d like to sign-up, contact us at
You can also contact us if you have any questions about the nature of the competition, or to check with us about using tools or resources that you’re not sure are allowed or not. Again, any questions you have go to!

We hope that lots of people will participate and make lots of awesome games! Good luck!

GMD 2012 EXTENDED to January 19

As many of you already know by now, our GMD 2012 competition has begun and the theme for this year’s competition is “Murder Mildly Foul”.

The submission deadline for GMD 2012 has been extended to Thursday January 19!  That’s more time to fix up your games so be sure to submit whatever you’ve got by the new submission deadline, even if you’re not terribly satisfied with it, for an excellent chance to win a prize (usually every videogame submitted will win something).

We were accepting GMD 2012 sign-up forms until the beginning of January, but you can still download these forms from our website if you need to for whatever reason.  As previously mentioned, the theme for GMD 2012 is “Murder Mildly Foul”

Feel free to email us at if you have any other questions about GMD 2012.

Good luck, game developers!

The results of the utGDDC 2011/2012 executive member election

Here are the results for the 2011/2012 utGDDC executive member elections:

President: Francesco Ciarlandini
Vice President: Derrick Law
GMD Coordinator: Sean Lacy
Website Administrator: Chris Allen
General Administrator: Shane Zeagman

Thank you to everyone who ran. It was great to see such passion by everyone to make this club’s experience even better for next year. We’re looking forward to another year of involvement by not only our newly elected executive members, but also by game club members who are willing to step up and contribute to the utGDDC’s continuing success in a big way.

Nominees for 2011/2012 utGDDC executive members

Here are the nominees for the 2011/2012 utGDDC executive member positions:

Nominees for utGDDC President:


Nominees for utGDDC Vice President


Nominees for utGDDC General Admin


Nominees for utGDDC Website Admin


Nominees for utGDDC GMD Coordinator


Click here for more information about the election on Thursday, March 31 during our game club meeting.

Our next game club meeting will be on Thursday, March 17 from 5p.m. – 7p.m. in BA B026

Our next game club meeting will be on Thursday, March 17 from 5p.m. – 7p.m. in BA B026. Same time and room as last week’s meeting. This week we’ll be talking about the ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board) and how they assign ratings to games.

Also, the utGDDC will be showing off the awesome game submissions from this year’s GMD at the CSSU Game Night this Friday. We are very proud to be doing this, and we can use help with getting computers for the event and setting up. Send Frankie, the utGDDC president, an email at to get more information about how you can help with the public showing of this year’s GMD games at CSSU Game Night.

As always, we hope to see you at our meeting on Thursday, and especially hope to see you at the CSSU Game Night on Friday. Happy gaming, everyone.

Our next game club meeting will be on Thursday, March 3, 2010 from 5p.m. – 7p.m. in BA B025 with a special talk by Prof. Danny Heap.‏

Hey everyone,
Our next game club meeting will be on Thursday, March 3, 2010 from 5p.m. – 7p.m. in BA B025, same time and room as last week. For this week’s meeting we will have a special guest speaker, Prof. Danny Heap from U of T’s Department of Computer Science, who will come in and talk to us about copyright.

Among teaching other CS courses, Danny Heap also teaches CSC 300, Computers and Society, and if you’ve every had a class with him, you’ll know that he is a very entertaining speaker with lots of interesting insights about computers and the world that we live in.

Copyright has always been a challenging issue when it comes to selling video games, and DRM (Digital Rights Management) is one of the most controversial methods of copyright protection to date. Prof. Heap will be discussing issues such as these in what should prove to be a very interesting and useful talk. This will be a special, informative meeting to come out to, so we hope to see you all there.