Open Frameworks Tutorial

GDDC Meeting ! Oct 25th, 5-6:30pm BA 4010 (+ Mega Mortem!)

This week we will be doing a tutorial on openFrameworks. oF is an open source toolkit developed for creative coding in C++. It is massively cross-compatible, supporting five operating systems: Windows, OSX, Linux, iOS, Android. It also works with four dev environments: XCode, Visual Studio, Code::Blocks, and Eclipse. If you want to follow along you can download it here with instructions:

Following the tutorial, the meeting will end a little early so we can go as a group to the Mega Mortem event being held by IGDA Toronto (International Game Developer’s Association) at 7 pm, being held at Metro Hall at 55 John Street. This is a great opportunity to hear about the lessons learned by successful developers, and to get to know other people in the Toronto development community!

Hope to see you at the meeting!