I received this email from Steve Engels today:
“My EA contact is attending FuturePlay on Monday before flying out later that day. I asked her if she could spare a little time to come talk to you, and she agreed to skip part of Monday afternoon to come to UofT and meet with you guys.
As you can imagine, meeting with EA people is a pretty big deal. She’s not making time for other people, just for us. The plan is to steal her away to come here around 3pm, and I’m in the midst of booking a room for us to hear her talk. I’ll email more as soon as I get the details, but I wanted to give you a heads-up now, because she’s a pretty good person to come see and talk to.
Let other people know about this too, if you can.”
More details are on their way soon. Check back for a concrete time and place.
UPDATE: The meeting has been scheduled for today, November 3rd, at 3pm in BA5256.